;// 2) change the image path to reflect the path of your logo image
;// 3) Change url below to the target URL of the logo
;var logolink="http://dynamicdrive.com";
;// 4) change the alttext variable to reflect the text used for the "alt" attribute of the image tag
;var alttext="Dynamic Drive";
;// 5) set below to either "1" or "0" ("1" fades the logo into view) Note: IE 4 specific
;var fadeintoview=1;
;/* 6) Finally, below variable determines the duration the logo should be visible after loading, in seconds. If you'd like the logo to appear for 20 seconds, for example, enter 20. Entering a value of 0 causes the logo to be perpectually visible.
;var visibleduration=`duration`;
;///////////////////////////Do not edit below this line/////////////////////////